
With having a Virtual Assistant you save on office costs, equipment and unlike with full time employees you don't have to pay NI, sick pay or holiday pay. With my flexible rates you can tailor the Virtual Assistance experience so it works best for you, have a browse of my flexible ways to get me on board below.

By the hour

My hourly rate is £37.

Time is tracked and rounded up or down to the nearest 15 minutes

Paying by the hour gives you total flexibility in using my support. 

Investing in my support by the hour is the perfect solution for you if:

-You'd love to try out my services before making a commitment to a block of hours. 

-You aren't exactly sure where you need support; this gives us a chance to access the best way I can support you. 

-You only need pockets of support here and there for projects.

By Retainer

A retainer is the best option if you know you'll need a certain number of hours each month and want to guarantee my availability. We can set the number of hours together and adjust this if necessary. 

10 hours - £35 per hour. 

20 hours+ - £35 per hour (plus a free hour monthly call)

By choosing to work on a retainer basis there is no need to be concerned about rising expenditures making it easier to calculate and maintain cash flow. In return for their commitment, retainer clients receive priority service and the quickest turnaround times.

By Project

Sometimes you don't need ongoing support but may need help with a particular project or task.

This is where I can provide you with a proposal and a cost to provide support.

The first step would be to discuss the parameters of the project. Once we've done this I can provide you with an estimate for support. Once you are ready to go ahead, an agreement outlining work will be sent along with your invoice and your time will be secured in my diary!

Get in touch to discuss any project needs or support you may have

Never had a VA before?

Contact me for a complimentary half an hour consultation to find out how I can help your business.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.